Albatross Navigation

Albatross navigation is a remarkable natural phenomenon that involves the ability of these seabirds to travel vast distances over the open ocean. Discover the science behind how albatrosses navigate and find their way back to their breeding grounds, including the use of celestial cues, wind patterns, and ocean currents. Learn about the challenges and adaptations that albatrosses face during their long-distance journeys, from foraging for food to avoiding predators. Explore the ecological and conservation significance of albatross navigation, including the impact of human activities on their populations. Discover our resources and expert insights on albatross navigation and expand your understanding of one of the most impressive and awe-inspiring natural events in the world.

The Albatross

You will find other descriptions here of Henri Weimerskirch’s work on Albatrosses under Albatrosses on this site as well as Anna Gagliardo’s work on the use of smell in navigation. A book recently written by Adam Nicholson called “The Seabirds Cry” is fascinating about the mythology and lives of the sea birds in his book;…

Albatross dynamic soaring

Please find this PDF which follows a lot of research on Albatrosses.  This presentation throws up some really interesting issues.  I feel comfortable that albatrosses when they decide to go home follow their sense of direction to their home islands in the South Atlantic: the Crozet Islands and Kerguelen as they fly straight there. However, please…

Albatross Navigation

The Albatross that ranges over huge areas of the South Atlantic Region in overcast weather where sun clues are seldom available to return to their breeding islands such as Crozet in the South Atlantic, work done by Bonadonna et al in 2004 shows that manipulating the albatrosses by altering their magnetic environment made no difference…