
Dowsing rods, also known as “divining rods,” are used to search for underground water, minerals, ley lines, or anything invisible. Learn how to use them with the help of a professional dowser.

Universal Consciousness

On 30th March 2015, Richard Silberstein gave a presentation to the Science Medical Network on “Universal Consciousness”: Mystics of various religious and spiritual traditions have, on occasion, described a mystical realisation as that of the entire universe’s conscious. In this talk, he described some novel parapsychological studies that may shed light on the question of whether consciousness constitutes an…

Another description of how animal navigation might work

In a recent address to RIN Dr Kate Jeffery of the Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience at University College London described a very complete structure for understanding animal navigation. See We at have been struggling with exactly these concerns. Prof Jeffery postulates that you need four things to create a navigation system A compass…

Summary of ideas Spring 2014

Intro I have put together this article to spell out some of the thinking that I have come across recently.  A lot is highly contentious (such as Torsion waves) but as we struggle to understand how animals (and humans) navigate effortlessly, ideas which seemed so strong suddenly seem to be beset by impossible conditions.  We…

Understanding the Sami people and how they navigated by our Deputy Editor Kerstin Williams

Editor’s comments: Please find this extract talking about the Sami, the ancient aborigine people of Northern Sweden, Finland etc.  We have sometimes called them Lapps see: This extract comes from a book about the ancient lifestyle of these people and has been translated by our Deputy Editor Kerstin Williams who is working with us to understand the Sami people…