Bar-tailed Godwit Navigation

Bar-tailed godwit navigation is a fascinating natural phenomenon that involves the ability of these shorebirds to undertake some of the longest non-stop flights of any bird species. Discover the science behind how bar-tailed godwits navigate and find their way during their epic migrations, including the use of celestial cues, magnetic cues, and environmental cues. Learn about the challenges and adaptations that bar-tailed godwits face during their long-distance journeys, from foraging for food to avoiding predators. Explore the ecological and conservation significance of bar-tailed godwit navigation, including the impact of habitat loss and climate change on their populations. Discover our resources and expert insights on bar-tailed godwit navigation and expand your understanding of one of the most extraordinary and inspiring natural events in the world.

Universal Consciousness

On 30th March 2015, Richard Silberstein gave a presentation to the Science Medical Network on “Universal Consciousness”: Mystics of various religious and spiritual traditions have, on occasion, described a mystical realisation as that of the entire universe’s conscious. In this talk, he described some novel parapsychological studies that may shed light on the question of whether consciousness constitutes an…

The migration of the Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga Stiata) in the New World

There have been many recent press reports of work done by Dr Bill DeLuca of the University of Massachusetts.  On the migration of the Blackpoll Warbler. Please find a description of this work here: see also: has been talking about very long migrations of birds over the ocean for a long time and…