Bird Navigation

Bird navigation is a fascinating and intricate process that involves a variety of sensory and cognitive abilities. Discover the science behind how birds find their way during long-distance migrations, including the role of visual, magnetic, olfactory, and celestial cues. Learn about the amazing adaptations that birds have developed to navigate different environments and conditions, from Arctic tundra to tropical rainforests. Explore the practical applications of bird navigation research, including conservation, aviation, and robotics. Discover our resources and expert insights on bird navigation and expand your understanding of one of the most extraordinary abilities in the animal kingdom.

BTO Cuckoo Tracking

Please note that the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) carry out a brilliant Cuckoo tracking project. We think that we need to be sure that we are clear how fledglings make the journey to their wintering grounds.  As they have never been there before, how do they know how to get there? If any of…

Miriam Liedvogel, CAnMove Centre, Department of Biology at Lund University

Miriam Liedvogel is currently working at the CAnMove Centre, Department of Biology at Lund University.  She has done extensive research and is a real expert on Animal Navigation, which is why she is one of our heroes. You will be able to see much of her work on Google > Miriam Liedvogel. She is currently researching finding markers to get a…

Nature’s Radar – Tristan Gooley

Nature’s Radar a paper by Tristan Gooley (one of our heroes) published in the Journal of Navigation in October 2012. Tristan and a friend set out in a little boat to navigate from Kirkwall on the North of Ockney via the Faroes over the top of Iceland to Reykjavik. Please see’s_radar.pdf for the full paper. The…