
How do swallows navigate using quantum mechanics? Animal Nav explores the physical basis of bird navigation and how birds use magnetism to orient themselves.


Useful links wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/swallow.asp Below is the of the swallow migration map: www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/autumnwatch/2009/11/lates… We, in Europe, measure the beginning of Spring by the arrival of the swallows.  Many swallows make a 6,000 mile journey from Europe to winter in South Africa and back. I believe, that the way that swallows make this migration is by…

Bird Migration

I believe that it is possible that dowsers may have unique insights into how birds navigate over long distances. There seem to be three principle discussions on how navigation is done: firstly using magnetic orientation especially in homing pigeons, secondly on the use of olfactory clues, thirdly on the anomaly that Robins (Passerines) have their…