Arctic tern navigation

Arctic tern navigation is a remarkable natural feat that involves the ability of these birds to travel from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back each year, covering a distance of over 70,000 kilometres. Discover the science behind how Arctic terns navigate and find their way during their incredible migration, including the use of magnetic cues, celestial cues, and environmental cues. Learn about the challenges and adaptations that Arctic terns face during their long-distance journeys, from foraging for food to avoiding predators. Explore the ecological and conservation significance of Arctic tern navigation, including the impact of climate change and human activities on their populations. Discover our resources and expert insights on Arctic tern navigation and expand your understanding of one of the most extraordinary natural events on the planet.

Some thoughts on The Migration of the Arctic Terns by George Nissen

See see the google tour You can see the tern’s tracks from their breeding grounds in Greenland in the Arctic (in yellow) to their wintering grounds in Antarctica. The white track is the averaged return flight. The terns dawdle down to their Antarctic wintering grounds looking for food etc. The Earth’s Prevailing winds. Note:…