
Migration observation

I love this little observation by James Mather… “I was on a ladder clearing the gutters end of last week, and over a period of hours heard a number of flocks of birds gathering to migrate, and I could see them heading off in V-formation. Then, at one point, low cloud closed in, but I…

Animal navigation based on Gravity

Here are the points to be added that I anticipated or predicted that they should happen as proof or implied consequences of my animal navigation model. The posting in the website is Introduction to my Ideas from Sept 2013 – “Gravity and Gyro effects are the basis of animal navigation, by Antonio Nafarrate“. Appendix. 1) From a paper by…

RIN16 (Animal Navigation)

Every three years the Royal Institute of Navigation hosts a conference in the UK for everyone interested in Animal navigation.  The next one is in 2016: RIN16 (Animal Navigation) 13/04/2016 12:00:00 to 15/04/2016 12:00:00 Royal Holloway College, London RIN16 Orientation & Navigation Birds, Humans & Other Animals will be the ninth International Conference on Animal…