
Understanding the Sami people and how they navigated by our Deputy Editor Kerstin Williams

Editor’s comments: Please find this extract talking about the Sami, the ancient aborigine people of Northern Sweden, Finland etc.  We have sometimes called them Lapps see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sami_people This extract comes from a book about the ancient lifestyle of these people and has been translated by our Deputy Editor Kerstin Williams who is working with us to understand the Sami people…

Some thoughts on The Migration of the Arctic Terns by George Nissen

See www.arctictern.info see the google tour You can see the tern’s tracks from their breeding grounds in Greenland in the Arctic (in yellow) to their wintering grounds in Antarctica. The white track is the averaged return flight. The terns dawdle down to their Antarctic wintering grounds looking for food etc. The Earth’s Prevailing winds. Note:…