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The prevailing ideas on Navigation
A summary 2011 The two prevailing ideas on long distance navigation are based around two ideas: Magnetic cues Olfactory cues (smell) It is clear that near home animals, birds and humans build up a map of their neighbourhood with remembered sights smells and landmarks. This is all mediated by the hippocampus. There is some evidence…
Dr Kate Jeffery’s paper 0ct 2017
Dr Kate Jeffery is one of our heroes and has a lab at University College London where she experiments with what the brain is doing when rats navigate around a maze. In her experimental rig, she can see neurons fire up as the rat faces in different directions (head direction cells) while it is exploring….
An interview with an older Sami Olle
>>>>intro>>> I think that the indigenous peoples have a lot to teach us about navigation as it is probable that they have not lost the art of navigation without modern aids and perhaps they can describe how they find their way. Please find an interview with Olle Utsi a wise Sami The Sami / Lapps…
Honey bees are not effected by Magnetism
Our associate editor Antonio Nafarrate has brought this paper to my attention. “Does the Earth’s magnetic Field serve as a reference alignment for the Honeybee waggle dance” (Dec 2014) by Professor Gerhard Gries et al. This paper is fascinating as it uses the famous waggle dance performed inside the hive by the foragers to show…
Sense of direction supported by clues by Marcus Bicknell
Marcus Bicknell talks here about how a sense of direction is supported by clues conscious or unconscious that hone the general direction to take. My feeling is that many of us do always know which direction to go. The instinct is then supported by clues. The clues can be conscious, like observing stars, position of…
There is a lot of work showing that animals can detect magnetic fields but it is important to remember – no moving electric charge, no magnetism. We have spoken of the pineal gland which detects ALL frequencies because of its shape. It is the fundamental shape emerging from two intersecting vortices – in other words…