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Summary of ideas Spring 2014

I have put together this article to spell out some of the thinking that I have come across recently.  A lot is highly contentious (such as Torsion waves) but as we struggle to understand how animals (and humans) navigate effortlessly, ideas which seemed so strong suddenly seem to be beset by impossible conditions.  We really welcome feedback.  Meanwhile we will be posting more detail in the near future.

Richard Nissen
Editor June 2014


Animal Navigation – Current Perspective (Spring 2014)

The History
Human and Animal migration on Earth have been a phenomenon for millennia. The reason is to seek and exploit planetary resources which change with the seasons. The problem for modern researchers of this phenomenon is to understand just how this process works. What is more, there is a need to understand how behaviour has evolved which is species dependent.

There is much in common between species whether they belong to the animal. bird, fish or indeed human communities. Predominantly, animals need to find food to support themselves as the weather changes with the seasons. Of course some animals and in some parts of the world do not need the move as their environments are always benign for them. But where there is big change in the weather, some animals have adapted to survive in adverse weather and others to migrate to where the environment they need for their survival is located.

This paper tries to find theories that help develop a set of testable ideas that can help create a unifying basis for animal navigation.

Current Situation
There are several interesting manifestations in nature of animal organisation and navigation

At present there are several basic issues. Some birds and fish and insects can form swarms (flocks and shoals). There are several odd occurrences with these shoals. In fishes shoaling is caused by threats. Birds like Starlings fly in amazing murmurations and bees (and other insects) operate perfectly in the complete darkness of their hives. The problem is that all this seems to be happening instantaneously (almost certainly faster than light). It looks as if swarms are the pooling of the intelligence of individuals into a swarm that integrates each individual into a bigger intelligence, just like individual neurons work together to make the brain or individual bees pool themselves in to an intelligent hive. Torsion waves (see below) can describe the forms these flocks form.

This is potentially indicating that swarming birds/fish when tightly linked generate torsion waves . The process also generates collective consciousness! This is the process whereby fermionic and bosonic (see below) processes unite.  In humans we get this effect at Man U v Man City matches!

Many migratory birds can be translated by hundreds of kilometres yet still find there homes. Cuckoos fly to the Congo in Africa to winter but do not fly on fixed bearings and the route back to the north is different to the route down. They seem to know where they are going. For the fledgling cuckoo they seem to inherit the instinct to go to Africa to winter and how to find their way back. These are not straight routes but ones with stopping places (to rest and refuel) and changes of direction and finally a destination. But how is this instinct transferred to them? Is it information carried in junk DNA, or carried in the bosonic Information field?

The Earth’s Magnetic Field
There are many theories and persuasive experiments that seem to suggest that animal navigation is based around the earth’s magnetic field. However,   there are many problems with this idea including the lack of the necessary sensors and the fact that knowing the location of North does not help navigate without a map.

A new theory, explained in more detail below, suggests that it is the spiralling electrons around the earth that create the perceived magnetic field lines since they are spiralling they radiate torsion waves. Birds and other animals use this information not the magnetic field per se.

Where is the navigational sensor?
The Wiltschkos in Germany suggested that cutting of the trigeminal nerve severed the magnetic sensors in the beak from the brain, thus destroying navigational ability in Pigeons. Blocking the nose in Shearwaters was used by researchers in the Italy (Gagliardo et al) to create a lack of the ability to smell and therefore destroying the ability to navigate. This last research showed that the navigation of migratory birds (shearwaters /albatrosses) tested were not affected by magnets attached to them

There has been much evidence that cutting the Trigeminal Nerve or blocking the ethmoid sinuses in birds causes them to loose their navigational ability. Suddenly we have a theory that unites two separate but unsatisfactory theories because it is the sinuses which are involved in the detection of Torsion waves and fermionic fields. It is further suggested that the sinuses are involved together with vision which indicates a beautiful bit of  biological engineering.

A New Theory
Whilst of course it seems likely that there is a basic navigation system, we must understand how each species has evolved different approaches which work best for them and their environment.

Firstly we need to explain how an animal knows where to go. Secondly we need to have a mechanism that makes this possible

Recent scientific work has spent much time and effort discovering the Higgs Boson. This seems to a particle that holds information. Perhaps this “bosonic” field is what enables Einstein’s spooky action at distance. This is the effect that two particles which are “quantum entangled” react to a change in the spin in one, immediately in the other, certainly faster than the speed of light, wherever they are.

Torsion waves come out of the idea that when we see the magnetic field for instance with iron particles round a magnet we are seeing a secondary effect. What is actually happening is that the earth transmits a Torsion field. Obviously we know that a stream of electrons creates a magnetic field.

All rotating objects generate torsion. A spinning mass produces torsion waves that extend along the axis of rotation to both directions. An object that rotates clockwise (as observed from the top) generates right-handed torsion above the object and left-handed torsion below the object. Since every elementary particle with a mass has a spin, each one generates its own natural torsion field. Moreover, according to Gennady Shipov (1993) changing the spin of the particle creates torsion waves.

Main stream science is almost exclusively involved with physical “fermionic” matter and is now trying to integrate bosonic (Mind) forces into the general theories of matter.

The idea is that the, so called, bosonic particles are really global standing waves linking wound up vortex filaments. We know in quantum mechanics particles and waves are aspects of the same thing.  The double slit experiment shows photons behaving as though they were both.

The Higgs particle emerges from the idea of the all pervading Higgs bosonic field which is as close as we get to what dowsers call “The Information Field”, an idea created to try explain what they observe. This concept of an information field comes from the problem that for animal to navigate it need to know where it is going.

The question is: “where is this information” and how does an animal access it? Vedral’s idea that a quantum computer has recorded all information since the beginning of time is very helpful here.

How do we access the information?
More and more researchers describe the pineal gland as being critical for navigation as it looks as if it tunes into the Torsion wave field that carries the required navigational information as well as acting as the gyro needed to record changes in direction. Calcified Pineal Glands in Homing Pigeons lead to their loss of navigational ability (see https://animalnav.org/2013/03/calcified-pineal-gland/ )

Some other things
Torsion wave theory can indicate when a tornado switches from a torsion wave column to a typical dispersive cone at the top. It is all to do with fluid flow around things such as whirlpools. Applying this to bird swarming pre-migration, this model would fit the concept of coherent `thought field` within the main column. What a wonderful way to cohere each other’s thoughts to set their navigation systems before the flock sets off. You see the circular flights of Swallows before they migrate: the flock must also enable the younger birds to learn to “listen” to the flock and the wisdom of the older birds.

Young Fledgling racing pigeons always circle their lofts as in training flights before they are adult enough to engage in homing.

Much more work needs to go into understanding Torsion Waves and into describing how they fit into existing theories.

We need to describe the bosonic and fermonic worlds better.

We need to do more research on the Pineal Gland and we need much more information on the tracks made by migrating species to check our theories. For instance how do Salmon travel from their feeding grounds off Greenland to their rivers in the UK. We think that they follow a straight route and then smell their up their rivers. However, we have no tracks that prove or disprove this theory.

© Richard Nissen March 2104

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