How animals navigate
Do animals have a sense of direction? How do they find their way home? Learn about animal navigation and how different creatures use their senses to get around.
Animal navigation is based on Quantum effects theory
We believe that animal navigation is based on Quantum effects which are inimical to a classic Newtonian science based approach. This world is so weird and unlikely that it is impossible to understand properly or as Feynman said if you think you understand it you must have misunderstood. Dowsers know that you can access this…
Gravity is the basis of bird navigation by Valerii A. Kanevskyi
———————- Editor’s comment This work by Valerii Kanevskyi, (High Technologies Institute, Kiev, Ukraine) is very interesting and it looks as if this work is part of the bigger picture of understanding how animal navigation may work and I think enables us to see a next step forward to generating a universal theory that we need…
Viking Sunstones by Tristan Gooley
The Economist have just published a letter I wrote to them regarding a recent academic article on Viking sunstones. In the following letter I put forward what I believe to be an original argument on this popular subject. I have no way of proving this theory, which puts me in good company with the scientists…
Simon Raggett’s thoughts on avian navigation
Editor’s comment: This is Simon Raggett’s latest piece. He has been immensely helpful in putting together my poster for BioNav RIN 13. We are all struggling to see if we can understand how animal navigation might work. As Jim Khalili says, we cannot just use quantum mechanics as the magic solution to hitherto intractable problems. …
Calcified Pineal Gland This link takes you to an interesting article covering what happens when the Pineal Gland is calcified. The fact that calcification of the Pineal really impairs navigational ability makes us think that this proves that the Pineal is critical to animal navigation. Richard Nissen Editor
Quantum ideas – Simon Ragett
Simon Ragett has created this website to discuss quantum ideas: WHAT THE SITE PROVIDES The site provides summaries and reviews of books, academic papers, articles and other material relevant to theories of consciousness related to fundamental physics. This includes the ideas of Penrose, Hameroff, Bohm, Stapp, Bernroider and others. The site also offers a blog for new material as it is…