Thoughts from a great dowser: Alan Neal

Being more familiar with history, archaeology, and of course dowsing, than I am with physics, it must be from the aspect of the first three rather than the latter discipline that my approach to the subject of animal migration is made.  I was fascinated by the observations made by Jim Andrews pointing to what would seem to be the distinct possibility of Roman surveyors using directional dowsing for aligning their roads. To anyone experienced in dowsing practice, particularly involving ancient ceremonial/religious sites, the finding of leys (best described as straight, dowsable lines of energy) aligning with or  in close proximity to many such structures is no great surprise; and this type of line can be found by both dowsing  ‘on the ground’ or over a map.

One familiar question that invariably crops up from students following my explanation of leys is, ‘What were they used for?’  By no means the only answer to this question, but certainly I believe a major one, is that they were created for navigation.

Editor’s note:
Dowsers can easily follow Leys and can create dowsable lines by harnessing their “intent”.  You just think (use intent) and the line is created not just for you but for anyone who can dowse it.  The map dowsing technique can be used to find these lines on a map, and if you find a ley on a map, you can find it physically on the ground.

Anyone who can create a dowsable line can, by using that same skill, navigate along it.  And not only can it be set up on the ground; equally as effective, is a line drawn on a map, which can then be dowsed across country: a sort of ‘map dowsing in reverse!’

But in creating a ley, far more important than the physical act of pointing the finger, or drawing a line on a map, is the thought behind that act, this being its real force of propulsion.  Thought is energy, the most powerful thoughts generating the strongest and most durable of energies such as those found in the oldest and most well-used leys.

That energy can be harnessed and used deliberately as with dowsing techniques such as those used in the creation of  leys, or quite involuntarily, being propelled straight to their target by the inherent strength of a strongly expressed wish or desire, as in the telepathic power of thought transference and absent healing.

As dowsers we tend to look on these attributes as being primarily human, but I believe they are common to all forms of life, empowering them with the capabilities to ‘find their way home’, find one another, regardless of distance, or as I strongly suspect, enabling communication across dimensions, as in the case of so-called ‘spirit communication’ or telepathy

As far as conventional science is concerned, I am very aware that much of the aforementioned could be regarded as pure speculation, because it cannot be backed up by columns of figures, measurements, experimental repeatability and all the panoply of proof currently required to make an idea acceptable.  We search for explanations, but in our quest we are ever confined within the boundaries of contemporary knowledge, granting credence solely to that which can be seen, touched and measured, and rejecting anything outside those limits as empty speculation.

But by restricting our terms of reference in this way we are in danger of forgetting that we yet have much to learn, and that our knowledge is still in its infancy.  It is a very human frailty to avoid, reject and be wary of anything that falls outside the context of our current understanding.  It affronts our pride and frightens us a little, both exposing our true ignorance and threatening the security of our comfort zone.

As any practising dowser knows beyond all doubt, dowsing works, and by making use of it, we are able to navigate, both indisputable facts. And if we can do it, then it is perfectly reasonable to assume that so too can other species.

Of course the ability to navigate through dowsing is not the only operative factor; others such as the visual recognition of landmarks and use of the olfactory senses come into play, especially towards the conclusion of a long migratory journey.

Editor’s note:
See “Navigation is like a rope” (posts) and Ingo Schifner’s work (see under Heroes)

The salmon, for instance, even when some considerable distance from its destination can recognise the smell of the river from which it swam as a smolt.  This though is only a partial explanation, leaving other questions unanswered.   How can it accurately navigate vast distances of ocean before arriving anywhere near its home waters?  Many solutions have been put forward, for instance: lateral lines of magnetic particles that are linked to the brain through the conducting nervous system, creating a kind of inbuilt compass; the ability to detect altitude and position of the sun …..  But taking into account the capabilities of other species: humans, dogs, cats – and not forgetting that other remarkable migrating fish, the eel – all of which can navigate considerable distances to their desired destinations, would it not be far simpler to accept as fact the universal ability to dowse?

Editor’s note:
We accept this view that quite instinctively and naturally all animals are tuned into the same information that dowser’s are. I believe animals know where they are going and have an acute sense of direction

One thought which I believe has relevance when investigating such conundrums as the operative factors behind animal migration:-

Around 1340 the theologian and philosopher William of Ockham formulated a principle known as Ockham’s Law, or the Law of Parsimony.  This is the principle on which the foundations of all modern scientific thought are laid, and it states that the scientist seeking an explanation should always look for the one which is the simplest and most sensible, excluding those things not known to exist.  To me, the answer that satisfies these criteria best of all here is dowsing.

Now I realise that there are still many (especially non-practitioners) who regard dowsing with some scepticism, so perhaps it is primarily towards the workings of this phenomenon that the energies of investigators should be directed.

Editor’s note:
Jim Lyons and his colleagues in the Dowsing Research Group are working hard on this.  Please see remarks under “Dowsing” such as Quantum Cosmos – The dowsing Source

Finally, in complete contrast to the wall of scepticism that in the past has been a constant block to any unbiased scientific consideration of dowsing, it is heartening to learn of the ever growing number of enlightened scientists who are at present devoting their energies towards its serious investigation.  Although gaining momentum now, this more open-minded approach is not altogether new.  Someone who in the previous century showed a deep interest in dowsing was the great Albert Einstein, who said:-

“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified.  The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.”

What finer recognition could there be than this?

Alan Neal
Jan 2012

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One Comment

  1. Richard.
    Alan is a remarkable dowser and has put forward a convincing argument to counteract the scientific rejection of dowsing as a natural ability. I only wish I had read this before having to amend my claims to dowsing proficiency on my website at the behest of the Advertising Standards Authority complaining that I could not claim to “detect water and archaeological items through dowsing; and using dowsing for health and healing”, because this could not be substantiated and assessed “on the basis of the available scientific knowledge”. Scientists should be more open minded and not just reject dowsing on the basis that there is no scientific proof to date. I am pleased to learn that a number of scientists are now investigating the dowsing phenomenon.

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